martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

They say that everyone gets the face they deserve. Whether watching Ana, on photos or in the street one is inevitably drawn to her face. She is sexy and so beautiful it hurts. Fiercely intelligent, talented... She is someone with whom you could chug beer, tell jokes. She can make me laugh until I double over. She adores clothes and has an instictive sense of how to wear them. Anita is my friend. Do I feel lucky? What can I say? love ya' babe.

6 comentarios:

  1. Pues que decirte mi Ana es que es ideal!! tiene un estilo tan propio y encima es linda por fuera y por dentro, simplemente perfecta!

  2. quiero en mi familia!!:)

  3. Mi Ani, la más guapa. Pero y este homenaje a qué se debe, porque Ani sigue con vida :)) jajaja Os quiero a los dos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. La belleza de Brigitte Bardot junto al estilo de Kate Moss, palabra de fashionista!!
